Participant registration / Registration Fees

Participant registration fees

Greyhound notification fees

Registration fees

Participant registration fees are outlined below, with the option to pay for 1 or 3 years.

For new applicants, the fee is subject to a pro-rata calculation. This means that a participant only pays for the number of days from the date their application is approved until their birthday in 1 or 3 years time. At that time, they will be required to renew their registration.

Participants can use the Registration Fee Calculator below to determine their adjusted registration fees. The fees are calculated by dividing the new application fee, by 365 days, then multiplying that amount by the number of days until the participant's birthday. Please note, this fee is approximate and may be different as it is dependent on when the application is approved.

Registration typeNew applicationRenewal
1 year3 years1 year3 years
AI TechnicianGANA$0$0
Bookmaker (Company)$461$967$461$967
Bookmaker (Individual)$317$599$261$532
Bookmaker Clerk$91$125$31$65
Breeder - Owner$84$108$0$0
Breeder - Whelper$84$108$0$0
Health Assistant$143$233$82$172
Private Syndicate$50NA$0$0
Public Syndicate$100NA$0$0
Race Official$84$109$0$0
Trainer (Owner/Trainer)$107$157$47$97
Trainer (Public)$143$233$82$172
Trial Track Proprietor $86$114$26$54

GWIC registration fees include a fee to cover a National Police Check.

Ways to pay

GWIC transactions can be paid for using a credit or debit card. Online transactions can also be paid for using PayID, PayPal and BPay.

A NSW Government surcharge will be applied to all online transactions made using a credit or debit card, PayPal or PayID. BPay and cheque payments do not have a surcharge.

Payment typeSurcharge
VISA (Debit and Credit)0.44%
MasterCard (Debit and Credit)0.44%
UnionPay Intl1.76%

Surcharges are incl GST and in-line with RBA’s surcharging mandate, reviewed yearly.

Registration forms

Information and online applications for participant registrations can be found here.

Please send completed forms to: Greyhound Welfare & Integrity Commission, PO Box 718, Bathurst NSW 2795 or by email to