About / Public Interest Disclosure Policy

A strong ‘speak up’ culture that encourages public officials to report wrongdoing is important for ensuring the integrity of the public sector.

An integral part of that culture is having in place a framework that facilitates public interest reporting of wrongdoing, and in NSW that is based on the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022 (PID Act).

A public interest disclosure (PID) is a report of wrongdoing involving conduct of a serious nature made by a public official which has been assessed and accepted as meeting the requirements of the PID Act.

Public officials should report suspected wrongdoing, or any activities or incidents that they see or know of within government sectors that they believe to be wrongdoing (including fraud).

The purpose of the Public Interest Disclosure Policy is to provide clear instructions for employees of the Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Commission on:

  • How to make a PID report on wrongdoing.
  • Who to submit your report to?
  • When you will receive feedback on your report.
  • How you will be protected against reprisals for any disclosure made.

A copy of the Public Interest Disclosure Policy can be found here.