Greyhound Welfare
Protecting and promoting the welfare of greyhounds is one of the Commission’s principal objectives. The Commission strives to meet these objectives in a number of ways.
The Commission played a key role in developing the NSW Greyhound Welfare Code of Practice, which came into effect on 1 January 2021. The Code of Practice sets out standards for the care of greyhounds kept by greyhound racing industry participants in NSW. Participants must meet minimum standards in:
- Nutrition and hydration
- Health and wellbeing
- Breeding
- Housing and environment
- Transporting greyhounds
- Exercise, socialisation and enrichment
- Training, trialling and racing
- Rehoming greyhound as companion animals
The Commission also has formal policies relating to aspects of greyhound welfare not covered by the Code, including the Race Day Hydration and Hot Weather Policy and the Greyhound Rehoming Policy. A breach of a formal policy may result in disciplinary action under the Greyhound Racing Rules.
The great majority of industry participants love greyhounds and work hard to ensure that their greyhounds are well cared for. However, the Commission also has an important role in protecting the welfare of greyhounds by enforcing standards, rules and policies.
The Commission’s Registration & Welfare team maintains a register of all greyhounds kept by industry participants and receives notifications of key events in the life cycle of greyhounds. The team works closely with Commission inspectors to identify population trends and welfare risks.
Commission inspectors visit greyhound kennels to ensure that participants meet welfare standards. Inspectors also investigate reports of prohibited substance use and possible breaches of animal welfare standards.
Commission stewards enforce the Greyhound Racing Rules and policies at race meetings. Any breach of rules relating to greyhound welfare by a participant may result in disciplinary action being taken.
The Commission’s team of veterinarians attend every race meeting in NSW. Veterinarians examine each greyhound before it races to ensure that it is fit, and attend to any greyhound injuries that occur on track. Veterinarians can exclude an injured greyhound from racing while it recovers, or direct a participant to seek further veterinary treatment for a greyhound.
The Animal Welfare Committee is established under the Greyhound Racing Act 2017, to provide advice to the Commission on greyhound welfare issues. The Committee comprises a delegate of the NSW Chief Veterinary Officer, a veterinarian, and representatives from GRNSW, Greyhound Racing NSW, and the greyhound racing industry. The Commission provides secretariat support to the Committee.
For any assistance with greyhound welfare issues please contact the Commission on 13 49 42.