Industry updates / New Racing Rules commence 1 May 2022

Greyhounds Australasia (GA) has recently completed an extensive review of the National Racing Rules, with an updated version of the Rules coming into effect on 1 May 2022.

The purpose of the review was to modernise the Rules and improve consistencies among the jurisdictions. The new Rules will be introduced in all states and territories.

The findings of GA’s consultation process can be viewed in their National Rule Changes Report.

Rule Changes

Although the numbering of Rules will change, most Rules will stay the same and trainers racing their dogs regularly may not notice the difference.

However, there are some important changes to:

Prohibited substancesResidue limits will apply to ketamine, morphine and xylazine, because a greyhound may consume meat that is contaminated with these substances. Screening limits will also apply for some therapeutic substances such as dexamethasone.
Penalties for Marring and failing to pursueThe penalty for a first offence will remain at 28 days. However, the penalty for a second offence has been reduced from three months to 28 days and the penalty for a third offence has been reduced from 12 months to 3 months.
Rules relating to lay betting or betting to loseA registered greyhound trainer must not place a bet on a race that their greyhound is participating in unless they are betting on their own greyhound to win.
Penalties for luring and baiting charges

The Rules regarding use of lures have not changed. Only lures made of synthetic materials may be used in NSW. The new Rules introduce a 'three tier' approach to penalties for offences involving luring and baiting.

Rules relating to syndicationLocal Rules relating to syndication have been removed from the Rules and replaced with the Greyhound Syndicates Policy which will also come into effect on 1 May 2022.
Rules relating to vaccinationAll racing greyhounds are required to receive an annual C5 vaccination. This is already a requirement in NSW under the Greyhound Welfare Code of Practice. Participants will have 12 months to ensure their greyhounds' vaccinations are up to date.  After this period, unvaccinated greyhounds will not be eligible to race in any jurisdiction.

More information

For more information on the GA Rules Rework Project, visit the GA website.

Click on the buttons below to view the Rules in full or for helpful resources:

Read the new Racing RulesFrequently asked questionsThe new Rules explainedRule numbers cheat sheetNew Greyhound Syndicates Policy


GA will review the new Rules in two years’ time to see how they are operating.  GWIC however will be conducting a review in 6 months time, or sooner if required.

If you have feedback about the National and Local Rules, you can contact GWIC on 13 49 42 (13 GWIC) or provide feedback via GBOTA or the GWIC Industry Participant Advisory Council – both groups meet regularly with GWIC to discuss matters affecting NSW participants.