Greyhound Racing Regulation 2019 / Penalty Infringement Notices
Penalty notice offences under Greyhound Racing Act 2017 and Greyhound Racing Regulation 2019
Effective 1 September 2019
Offence | Offence amount | Offence Provision |
Greyhound Racing Act 2017 | ||
If you contravene an offence provision of the Code of Practice for the Welfare of Greyhounds | $2,200 | Section 39 |
If you keep – on any premises where greyhounds are kept, trialled, trained or raced – any animal reasonably capable of being used as a lure for trialling, training or racing greyhounds | $550 if first offence $1,100 if second or subsequent offence | Section 41(1) |
If you own, breed or keep a greyhound (regardless of whether it is owned, breed or kept in connection with greyhound racing) and fail to register the greyhound before it is 12 weeks old | $275 if first offence $550 if second or subsequent offence | Section 42(1) |
If you are a greyhound owner and fail to comply with any conditions imposed on the registration of the greyhound | $275 if first offence $550 if second or subsequent offence | Section 42(2) |
If you own an unregistered greyhound and cause or permit the greyhound to compete in a greyhound race or in a trial, or be trained, at a greyhound trial track | $275 if first offence $550 if second or subsequent offence | Section 43 |
If you carry on an activity as a greyhound racing industry participant when not registered to carry on that activity | $550 if first offence $1,100 if second or subsequent offence | Section 44(1) |
If you are a registered greyhound racing industry participant and fail to comply with any conditions imposed on the person’s registration | $550 if first offence $1,100 if second or subsequent offence | Section 44(2) |
If you conduct a greyhound race meeting when not registered to do so | $5,500 | Section 45(1) |
If you are a registered greyhound racing club and fail to comply with any conditions imposed on the club’s registration | $5,500 | Section 45(2) |
If you are a proprietor of a greyhound trial track and cause or permit the trial track to be used for greyhounds to compete in trials or be trained in racing when the trial track is not registered | $2,200 | Section 46(1) |
If you are a proprietor of a greyhound trial track and fail to comply with any conditions imposed on the registration of the greyhound trial track | $2,200 | Section 46(2) |
If you are a proprietor of a greyhound trial track and fail to retain a CCTV recording in accordance with a Ministerial order | $1,100 if first offence $2,200 if second or subsequent offence | Section 50(6) |
If you refuse or fail, without reasonable excuse, to comply with a requirement made under the Commission’s inspection and enforcement powers | $550 if first offence $1,100 if second or subsequent offence | Section 82(1) |
If you assault, threaten or abuse an inspector or a person assisting an inspector | $1,100 | Section 82(4) |
If you impersonate an inspector or falsely represent that the person is an inspector | $1,100 | Section 82(5) |
If you fail to comply with the requirements of a notice given to the person to furnish information or produce records to an inquiry, attend the inquiry, give evidence at the inquiry and produce records at hearings | $1,100 | Section 86(6) |
Greyhound Racing Regulation 2019 | ||
If you enter, or remain in, a restricted access area at a greyhound racecourse or greyhound trial track and are not a registered greyhound racing industry participant or are not authorised by the racecourse operator | $550 | Clause 23(1) |