Appeals to Racing Appeals Tribunal / Appeal decisions

Please see below Appeals Decisions that have been made by the Racing Appeals Tribunal (RAT). All decisions made by the RAT are in accordance with the Racing Appeals Tribunal Act 1983 and the Racing Appeals Tribunal Regulation 2015.

For the details of any appeals relating to decisions made by Greyhound Racing NSW  before 1 July 2018 or finalised by Greyhound Racing NSW after 1 July 2018, please visit the following websites:

Name Detail Decision date Outcome Link to decision
Donna Grech GWIC decision on 17 May 2022 to refuse the application of Ms Grech to be registered as an owner trainer. 19/09/2022 Appeal upheld. Appeal deposit refunded. Decision
Mackey, Jason Application for a stay of GWIC Decision on 7 September 2022 to impose an interim suspension under Rule 169(5)(c). 14/09/2022 Application for stay granted. Conditions imposed. Decision
Terry Duncan GWIC decision on 3 May 2022 to suspend Mr Duncan for a period of 16 weeks for breach of Rule 83(2)(a) 29/08/2022 Appeal upheld. Penalties varied. $2000 fine. Appeal deposit refunded Decision
Mark Craig GWIC decision on 11 June 2021 to disqualify Mr Craig for 6 months, with a further 3 months conditionally suspended for 12 months* for breaching Rule 86(o) x2 to be served concurrently 18/08/2022 Appeal upheld. Penalty of Charges 1 and 2: 9 months disqualification, 3 months conditionally suspended; 3 months of penalty on Charge 2 to be served cumulatively. 25% Appeal deposit refunded. Decision
Mark Gatt GWIC decision on 2 August 2022 to disqualify Mr Gatt for a period of 7 months for breach of Rules 156(f) and 165(c) 09/08/2022 The decision of GWIC of 2 August 2022 is not to be carried in to effect pending the determination of the appeal on condition that the appellant prosecutes the appeal expeditiously. Decision
Rodney Newell GWIC decision on 10 March 2022 to disqualify Mr Newell for a period of 4 months for breach of Rules 86(2)(a) 06/07/2022 Appeal upheld. Decision
Murray/Barnett & Yarnold Applications for leave to withdraw appeals on condition that the respondent pay the appellants’ costs on an indemnity basis. 04/07/2022 1. Applications for a condition as to costs dismissed

2. Orders made as to further directions on withdrawal application and appeal deposit
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