Race Injury Reduction Action Plan / Pilot - GWIC OTV's at Trials
From 1 May 2023, GWIC will be launch its pilot having a GWIC Veterinarian and Steward onsite at trials held at Richmond and Wentworth Park. At the Race Injury Reduction Summit held in February 2023, data was presented suggesting some serious injuries that occur at trials are attributable to a greyhound having a pre-existing injury, and that greyhounds with pre-existing injuries may have an increased chance of further injury. It was decided a pilot may identify whether the attendance of a GWIC Veterinarian at trials could address this cause. The GWIC Veterinarian will;
A Steward will also attend to assist participants with eTracking check-ins. The pilot will run for 12 months from 1 May 2023, and if successful, may be rolled-out across the State. |