Industry updates / Updated advice on use of knackery meat
The Greyhound Welfare & Integrity Commission and some leading knackeries in New South Wales have worked through issues surrounding the supply of animal meat for racing greyhounds.
The Commission notes that some knackeries apply strict traceability controls, including the use of National Vendor Declarations that certifies the origin of all livestock and carcasses being processed, including that the processed meat does not contain drug residues and other harmful substances.
The Commission advises trainers of racing greyhounds that if they are feeding knackery meat to racing greyhounds, they should consider sourcing their meat from those knackeries who use traceable declarations such as National Vendor Declarations and who are prepared to guarantee to buyers they are supplying dog food which is free of substances prohibited for racing greyhounds.
The Commission advises that caution should be exercised by greyhound participants who provide their racing greyhounds with meat from any knackery that cannot certify ‘residue free’ meat supply to their racing industry customers. Prohibited substance offences are absolute liability offences under the rules of racing.
Some trainers also adopt the practice of freezing a small, dated sample of the knackery meat they have been supplied, which can subsequently be analysed for the presence of prohibited substances in the event of a positive swab. This practice, while assisting investigations into the origin of a prohibited substance, will not absolve liability under the racing rules.
As the Commission has previously advised the use of human grade meat, kangaroo-based meat or kibble to racing greyhounds will minimise risks associated with positive swabs.